Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Maplelag stage race

Every season I always look forward to racing at Maplelag for the Laddies Loppet stage race over Labor day weekend. This year I was a little torn on what to do as it was the same time as the National series finals in Brian Head, Utah. I was not real excited about racing at Brian Head which climbs to over 11,000 ft but it would be the first national race I would miss in the last 4 years. After weighing the pros and cons I decided to head to Maplelag and boy am I happy with my decision. Thanks to the Richards family for all of their hard work to put on the best race of the season. This year Justin was able to get off of work on so we were able to attend the whole stage race. The trails are awesome, the weather was great, the race was run smooth, and the accommodations were the best. Unfortunately I forgot my camera this weekend but there are some really great pictures on skinnyski.com. If you have never done this race before you are missing out on the most fun race in the Midwest!

Kyia and I out front in the Expert women's/comp short track race. I ended up spending way to much time out front in the short track. I was trying to break up the large group we had and try to drop Kyia. Unfortunately she got taken out by a guy who had good fitness but not very good handling skills. That is another reason why I tried to stay out front to avoid that stuff. Its too bad cause I think we would have had a good battle to the end.

Descending the Lakeside Drops (skinnyski.com)

I did get one picture of Paul and Mr. Anderson at the arm wrestling match.