Monday, December 10, 2007

Winter is here!!

This last week has really tested me. It was super tough to get decent training in. With the snow, freezing rain on top of it, and single digit temps it made for some nasty roads to train on. I had a few bad crashes on the ice early in the week but by the end I was starting to get this winter riding stuff figured out again.

This is what training looks like when its 4 degrees outside.....Just me and the open roads... Not to many others out training today. Hmm... I wonder why?Got a good hardcore group of 5 of us together on Sunday. It was a whole 10 degrees outside!

Patty Cakes got a little hungry out there. Good thing Wenk brought along an apple for him
Only three more weeks untill Justin and I head to Tucson!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First post

I'm officially joining the blogging world. If anyone out there cares to read I will be sharing my stories from training, racing ,traveling, and just everyday life.

Wow is it getting cold outside. When I woke up this morning and checked the weather it said it was 6 degrees outside. Yikes!! That wasn't exactly in the plans for my ride today. I had the day off from work and was planning on getting a bigger ride in. I must admitt I was a little worried about it but it ended up being an awesome ride! Not quit as long as I had intended but I was happy getting in 3:45 considering it was only 10 degrees out when I left. It has been awhile since I have ridden when it was that cold. Since I was in Tucson for most of the winter last year I think the coldest I had to ride in was around 20. The record I have ridden in is -5 actuall temp but I sure hope I don't have to do that again anytime soon. I still beats riding the trainer though. That's for sure!